Hell yeah let's get some merch going. Maybe a Ghostface Ziller shirt? A No Dunks X GMIB collab!? A 1992 Dream Team caricature ripoff featuring the top NBA Substack/Podcast heroes (I'm seeing Ziller, Heindl, Dwyer, Thorpe, etc)? Anyways, here's to merch in 2023!

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Congrats on year 3, TZ. You are an inspiration. Thank you for doing all that you do for us 🙏🏾

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If there is a more delightful couple in the NBA family than Jrue and Lauren Holiday, I've not been introduced.

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Thanks for every word, Tom. Your daily newsletter is a huge bright spot in my nba fan life.

It’s been a pleasure to support such fine work!

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Happy Anniv3sary, Tom!

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Thank you for three great years

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Congrats and thank you!

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Congratulations on the anniversary - GMIB is one of my favorite parts of being an NBA fan. Keep it up.

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