My son wears Melo’s shoes while mowing lawns. This is literally a metaphor for this guy’s career

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I mean this in the best way possible: Spiritual successor to Nick Young.

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Nick Young is his John the Baptist, maybe?

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Definite yes. He’s out here eating locusts and honey in the desert, preaching, “Behold, the one who comes after me will ball harder than I ever could.”

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I think you’re selling LaMelo short! The dude’s only 23! I can absolutely see him having a Harden-type career if things break right.

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Probably a dumb question, but is there anything preventing the Knicks & Timberwolves from just sending back the players exchanged in the trade?

It might fix what's ailing them.

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I’m sure the answer is yes (though I’ll let someone else provide the answer if they wish), but no way the Knicks regret acquiring KAT even if it were possible to reverse the trade.

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Who is the artistic equivalent of LaMelo? Is it Andy Warhol?

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I'd say Jackson Pollack. Ball is very much of the mindset of throwing cans of paint into a jet engine and proclaiming the mess to be genius work.

Don't defend Jackson Pollack to me. Or LaMelo Ball.

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"These two teams feel like Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly in Stepbrothers."

In this metaphor, I am trying to parse who the Adam Scott character is - the clearly more successful but easy-to-hate other brother ("Dane Cook. Pay per view. 20 minutes.").

Denver is arguably more successful, but not hateable. Golden State/Lakers are more hateable (as franchises) but not more successful THIS season. Landing on Thunder - more successful, I/we encounter "hipster team"-haters... I should just drop the metaphor but would still love to refer to the playoffs as the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer.

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How you view LaMelo is the real generational gap in NBA fans. The kids love him, he’s wildly talented. But, as incredible as his skill set is, I just can’t get over how inefficient and stupid some of his shots/passes are. I don’t blame him for Charlotte’s terrible team building or Jordan’s cheap ownership style, but it’s hard not to watch him and come away with feeling like he prefers it this way.

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Tom and all - I will preface this with...I am older than I used to be and can't help but wonder, looking back in time, is World B. Free with the Cavs the last time we've seen something like the Lamelo situation? An unapologetic and proud gunner just carpet bombing shots for a terrible team? It's what popped into my mind looking at your review of Ball's season to date. Actually, that was kinda Free's career arc - he gunned like that for a series of bad teams in several cities...

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If you don't play serious basketball, you can never be the epicenter of a serious team.

If CHA's goal is to be a serious on-court product, it is doomed if it continues to hitch its wagon to the current version of the LeMelo train.

But then again, it's business, and the kids love him, so it becomes a question of what the new ownership group considers “winning”: the on-court wins or the bottom line of money/impressions and valuations.

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