I have the most minor of complaints to share. The recent change to bolding the best game of the night is a good thing - I support it. But there's a formatting issue in that it ends up looking like one of the section headers. I'm about 50/50 for skimming through and thinking "hmm I thought X was playing tonight" and having to re-read a couple times to realize it's there, but in bold. Maybe try an underline or italics or something? Could be bold and one of those things? Or do nothing, I'll get used to it.
As a Sixers fan, I've booed Shawn Bradley more times than I can count. He represented a horrible basketball culture, a bad team run by a bad owner.
But I always respected him, and I'm gutted by what he and his family are going through. No one deserves that. I started reading the article...and I just can't. I'll just pray for them.
I have the most minor of complaints to share. The recent change to bolding the best game of the night is a good thing - I support it. But there's a formatting issue in that it ends up looking like one of the section headers. I'm about 50/50 for skimming through and thinking "hmm I thought X was playing tonight" and having to re-read a couple times to realize it's there, but in bold. Maybe try an underline or italics or something? Could be bold and one of those things? Or do nothing, I'll get used to it.
As a Sixers fan, I've booed Shawn Bradley more times than I can count. He represented a horrible basketball culture, a bad team run by a bad owner.
But I always respected him, and I'm gutted by what he and his family are going through. No one deserves that. I started reading the article...and I just can't. I'll just pray for them.