the canadian players all grew up in very robust player development programs in canada that are fundamentally modelled after FIBA. it's part of a Long-term Athlete Development model where players are training to train at that age (rather than trying to pre-empt their development by pushing them to train to compete)

Of course players never point out who coached them from ages 6-10 or 11 - but the hidden/unsung heroes of all these canadian players are the coaches who were trained and steeped in coach development programs that were fundamental-movement and skills based. only now in 2024 are we seeing the creeping spectre of U10 AAU style hoops here in canada (the province of ontario, really). these clubs are nothing but factories, just pumping these kids full of strategies and dribble drills and american tournaments before they are even ready to use their weak hand, jump correctly or identfy an advantage situation in a half court set up

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Same point different player: in 1992 MJ and Drexler had just played each other in the Finals. That was the Jordan-shrugging year.

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