Maintain hygienic and mental health to be my best self at the assisted living facility I work at


Finish the numerous books that I've started and am in the middle of

Binge watch nature and animal shows/documentaries (all about NOVA right now)

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Hopefully NBA will be back soon..miss it already.

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Duh. Online POKER ♦️♣️♥️♠️ . Ya know, GMIP! Seriously though, thx for great independent journalism.

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I hope you are not joking about the haiku. We can crowdsource them.

I remember in the pre-internet days there was a booklet that came out every year with short blurbs about each player. Rex Chapman: Leaps like a brother, shoots like your mother. Jon Koncak: No bitching, no moaning, just goes out and gets you three points and three rebounds every night. 😂😂😂

We can update these, but as haiku

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Buy an xbox and play dynasty mode on NBA2K with Zion over and over and over again.

Read a lot more books (I might hit the library and check a ton of things out in case we get quarantined), try out youtube yoga, finally binge Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

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If you're going for yoga, check out the app Down Dog. It's free to download and provides free, randomly generated practices with a video of the individual movements you're doing. The paid version allows you to decide on what the practice focuses on, but I haven't spent a dime on it and it hasn't been an issue.

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I’ll have a chance to catch up with some reading. Currently finishing up Boom Town with Coach Wooden and Me on deck

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As a Cavaliers fan, I'm going to focus on the other things in my life that were a lot better four years ago but just make me sad now, like my mile pace and my hairline.

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Honestly, I wondered idly yesterday if because gyms now seem out I wonder if there will be more runners out in the streets and hills, and whether that means I'll no longer feel like the least fit person out there Saturday mornings.

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My very good streak of going to the downtown gym all through January and February has, uh, been interrupted. Guess I'm running again.

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Yep--also focusing on some 10k training outside whenever possible. But not putting my local gym membership on hold. It's a great, family-run place that I've been with for years.

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Playing the original Doom, budgeting (finally), reading actual books, running, meditating, trying to ignore stressful news to help supplement my mental health

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My company's offices are essentially closed indefinitely, so I'll be exploring the DLC of the Witcher, trying to support local coffee shops as much as I can, and hopefully getting to write more.

I also am getting married out-of-state in late May, so the other half of my time is curled up in a ball of dread and anxiety at the thought that this continues for another two months and all of our planning/efforts for the last year will be cancelled.

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I guess I will do my taxes now.....On the bright side I can make the Kings a legend in my own mind knowing that with a full schedule they would have squeeked into the playoffs and ultimately be the first 8 seed to be crowned NBA Champions!

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Whip out the good ol VHS tapes and re-watch all my favorite Kobe Bryant games, something I've wanted to do but haven't been quite ready yet. Oh and work from home.

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Watch my college department slowly lose their minds until the inevitable switch to online classes for the rest of semester.

I study public health. It’s gonna get real juicy real fast.

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Catch up on some video games

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I'll still be glued to the news for a bit. Will the NCAA really continue with their plan after the NBA suspended the season? I can't get over how irresponsible that'll seem. Bilas was calling for suspension on the tournament on Get Up.

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It sounds like things will be mostly business as usual as far as work goes. I am having the flooring in my house replaced so I'll be moving all of my house back into my house once that's finished. In lieu of my social life, I'll probably be ramping up the video games and finally watching movies I keep saying I'm going to watch (Jojo Rabbit, Parasite, 1917, and Knives Out).

I think I may indulge in some haiku with you as well. No all-star players allowed for me.

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Knives Out is wonderful! Haven't yet seen the others, but that movie is perfectly suited to take up all your attention and burn hours of boredom.

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I will try to make a dent in my Netflix and Amazon Prime Video queues; binge-watch The Last Ship (art imitating life?) and hug my dog and cat.

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Pretty good show. Last 2 seasons weren't the best but still good

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Not quite an e sport but a good time sink: the world chess candidate tourney starts on the 15th. 8 players, double round robin. Winner takes world champ magnus carlsen in a head to head match for the title. One guy already dropped out bc they are doing this in russia and did basically nothing for covid 19 prep

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Get my final fantasy series replay through into gear. And donating blood if able.

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Are you starting completely over? I don't know if I would have the patience to go through one again.

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'I did the first six when they came out on phones but haven;t started 7 for years cause it's long as hell. with the remake soon/working from home for the foreseeable future seems like a good time to do it

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I have a stack of basketball books that now have my full attention.

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Prince's memoir, Stardew Valley, scrolling twitter until my mind turns to mush

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Wait, are you implying that you're already on Twitter but your mind isn't yet mush? Teach us your ways.

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Ok fair. Prince's memoir, Stardew Valley, and using my mush brain to figure out how to work effectively from home

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Well, I’ve got plenty of Netflix content to catch up on.

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Here's a possible topic to consider. What if the NBA does something crazy to start up the season again? Like moves the top four teams in each division straight into the playoffs, but has a short tournament for the other spots? That could be pretty great.

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Tom. I’m sure this exists somewhere already for you but now Is a great time to do a post of top 10.

Basketball long reads

Hoops movies

Hoops books

I’m all in! Love the newsletter btw

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Like the genius DONALD TRUMP said : "This is all fake news..."

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For me it's a disaster. I was really looking forward to the upcoming play-offs. Let's hope it will back to business within a few weeks.


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