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Why do we laud Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles for taking care of their mental health but with Ben Simmons he’s “selfish” or a “coward”…?

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I agree with @boisdevache's points. I'm all for this generation of stars prioritizing their well-being. And lots of the criticism focused on his clothes feels mean-spirited.

But I wish someone in his orbit did a better job on the optics. Donate X% of his salary to get counseling for AAU players? It's a lot to ask someone going through a crisis to then do more. But it's his management team's job to make him look better. I can't point to anything successful they've done there.

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NBA basketball is a high pressure game and it's not for everyone. Maybe Ben isn'T cut out for this game, mentally of physicaly. I think many fans get frustrated because some of them may envy his financial position. Most people think that money cures all issues but it doesn't. It lubrcates lifes ups and downs for sure but it isn't a a cure. Also for Doc Rivers, I've seen many coaches not being heard by the team and I think that in Phily right now, James Harden isn't a listening to the coach type...

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It seems like society has made at least slight movements toward recognizing mental health as important. So it feels like a detached third party having the opportunity to say "nope, he's just making it up" is the kind of scheme the backwards cabal running Major League Baseball would come up with, not the NBA. But I suppose they're all the same anyway.

If they start cutting guaranteed money for not playing when physically able, how long until that extends to the games stars sit out for rest? Different circumstances, surely, but if the owners get an inch I'm sure they'll try to take a foot.

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As ever, your perspective on things is appreciated.

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